Envisioning and building
concepts into reality.

console.log("Hey, I'm Brandon");


Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. [Albert Einstein] Programming is the art of bringing these ideas to life.

Whilst studying mathematics through school and now continuing at university, I've strived to find reason. Compiling this with my passion for programming I believe mathematics is a language of reasoning with minimal ambiguity. This synchronises with the art of programming as it motivates logical construction and thought that goes in the production of code. By combining these two fields I strive to conjecture ideas and then make them tangible and into a reality.

A specific interest of mine lies in artificial intelligence. During my A-Levels I wrote an academic paper (2020) discussing the bridge between human and artificial intelligences motivated by NeuraLink. Both the theory and application of A.I is relatively new and I wish to expand the potential of this field.

Current FocusEcommerce Presence // Custom Payment Integration // Custom Product Search Engine


Back-End Web Developer

Console Controllers ecommerce website that sells electronic products through a custom built checkout system.

Developed Product
  • Developed core features across entire framework (50k+ lines of code)
  • Lead back-end development creating, testing and debugging any logical implementation
  • Custom designed logic to allow for smooth interaction with other stacks
  • Python testing on external API's including Royal Mail address validator
  • Tools: PHP, cURL, JSON, Python
  • Custom checkout system with Stripe and PayPal integrated
  • Fully functional user authentication system connected with checkout system
  • MySQL dependent search engine for products with multiple inter-connected filter criterions
  • Cart/Basket system connected with checkout system
  • Order management system available to higher access authentication and checkout order system
Jun 2021 - Jul 2021 | Bedford, UK
Front-End Web Developer

Console Controllers ecommerce website that sells electronic products through a custom built checkout system.

Developed Product
  • Designed and developed front-end core design package (30k+ lines of code)
  • Lead front-end developer, creating and testing UI design across multiple platforms and devices
  • Minimal code for increased speed, loading times and cross-device compatability
  • Modern easy, accessible, semantic UI/UX unique to the brand.
  • Bootstrap package for optimised UI layout and placement
  • Tools: HTML, CSS // JS, AJAX, JQuery // Bootstrap, Owl-Carousel
  • Interactive, simplistic yet effective UI design with fast rendering image load times
  • Smooth slideshow like product showcase, semantic to UI layout
  • Implemented Open Graph meta tags to increase online social presence
  • Interdependent page link construction to guide the user around navigation
  • Minimal checkout UI, effective for increased sales
May 2021 - Jun 2021 | Bedford, UK
Google Advertisement Integration

Integrated Google Ads into Console Controllers with automated product data fetch API

  • Integrated an existing Google product into the framework using API documentation
  • Built a fetch API suited for the Google Ads algorithm.
  • Expanded a business to multiple dimensions through stacking existing code onto a built framework
  • Gained experience in understanding how Google products work with customers and how their integration processes are built
Jul 2021 - Present | Bedford, UK


Screenshot of Console Controllers web app
Console Controllers

Ecommerce website selling electronics

  • PHP backend
  • HTML, CSS frontend
  • Checkout system via Stripe/PayPal
  • Custom built API
Screenshot of Fight My Monster HTML game
Fight My Monster

Trading card game

  • NodeJS server serving real-time experience
  • HTML5, JS, CSS frontend
  • Load balancing system built into backend
  • Scalable design
















Payment Integrations



Google Technologies

Google Ads

Google Merchant Centre






Middle School Computing Award

End of year computing award runner up and winner | June 2016

  • Awarded by head of computing for making most progress as a computing student and as recognition for "outstanding learning, listening, mentoring for others."

Intermediate Mathematical Challenge

Mathematics challenge held by UK Mathematics Trust | June 2018

  • Awarded by UK Mathematics Trust for scoring into the gold medal threshold and as recognition for "consistent problem solving ability."

Senior Mathematical Challenge

Mathematics challenge held by UK Mathematics Trust | June 2019

  • Awarded by UK Mathematics Trust for scoring into the gold medal threshold and as recognition for "consistent problem solving ability."

Cambridge Chemistry Challenge

Cambridge Lower Sixth Chemistry Challenge | February 2020

  • Awarded by the University of Cambridge for scoring into the gold boundary threshold and as recognition for "demonstrating exceptional ability to tackle a range of different chemical topics under time pressure."

UK Chemistry Olympiad

UK Chemistry Olympiad Royal Society of Chemistry | November 2020

  • Awarded by the Royal Society of Chemistry for scoring into the silver boundary threshold. Run annually, the UK Chemistry Olympiad is the leading chemistry competition for students in secondary education across Britain, encouraging young chemists to develop their skills and test their knowledge in new situations




  • Mathematics, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Extended Project on A.I.
  • A*A*A*A*

University of Warwick


  • Mathematics, Third Year
  • Master of Mathematics (MMath)



Developer Brandon Sandhu